Wednesday 10 March 2010

Cardboard Loom

I decided to try and make my own weaving device from cardboard and found a step by step guide to creating your own loom on the blog I went to the haberdashery department of John Lewis to get some wool and a suitable needle and found that they sold 100% silk yarn. I bought a grey and white to try out, here are the steps I went through to create my loom:

1. Find a suitable piece of cardboard which isn't corrugated and won't bend and choose a type of yarn to weave with, you will also need a large embroidery or tapestry needle.

2. Mark intervals 1cm part along the 2 ends of the piece of card.

3. Cut along the marks you have made trying to keep the cuts at the same length each time.

4. Thread the yard through the slots, wrapping it around the cut slots and back again until you have a series of lines securely attached. Leave about 10cm of yarn at the ends.

5. Take another length of yarn, thread it onto the needle and start to weave, again leaving a length at the end to secure later. Weave going under and over in one direction and then over and under in the other direction, make sure not to pull the ends too tight and keep pushing the material up to stop it becoming loose or messy.

6.When you are finished you can remove the loops at the ends of the loom, cutting and tying them to form a fringe which can either be sewed down or left as decoration. The other loose ends can be threaded through the material to secure them.

I have not quite finished my piece of material yet but am enjoying the process of weaving, it is quite therapeutic.

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